雖然iPhone Dev Team指全新iPad仍然有舊機的漏洞,以及有示範iOS 5.1可以完美jailbreak,但近日有壞消息。其中一名成員pod2g向外表示,稱他完全沒有頭緒如何完成全新iPad的完美jailbreak,用家可能要再等。
About 5.1 jailbreak for A5+ devices: it’s not out and I have no clue when it’ll happen. I’m working some hours per week on finding vulns. [Vulnerabilities.]But right now we (cdev) have some pieces of a userland jailbreak, but we miss some, and even it we had them all, there’s weeks of work to put them all together in a public ready tool.
亦即是說,有一些讓他們可jailbreak的地方已經消失了,他們還得再花功夫再找漏洞。目前只有舊一代的裝置,可以半完美jailbreak iOS 5.1。
[轉載自 : winandmac.com香港版]