他之所以能活下來,部分要感謝他的iPhone手機。他說,「我隨身帶的手機中有個醫學應用程式,可以查閱大量出血和多重骨折的處理方法」。該應用程式名為「Jive Media Pocket First Aid and CPR」。隨後我遵軟件的指導,撕破襯衫做成止血帶纏住了傷腿,又用襪子當作繃帶為頭部傷口止血。”
Pocket First Aid & CPR
- Hundreds of pages with illustrations, including topics such as CPR, choking, bites, bruises, burns, seizures, diabetic emergencies, and more.
- High-quality and detailed videos, showing how to respond in critical first aid situations. Videos include choking, CPR, seizures, cuts and wounds, and more.
- All videos, articles and illustrations are stored on your iPhone or iPod Touch, so you can provide first aid even when out of cell phone range.
- Enter your loved one's medical information on the My Info tab. For each individual, you can save doctors' contact information, along with hospitals, emergency contacts, allergies, medications, and more. You can also save insurance information for quick access.
- As standards of treatment improve, Pocket First Aid & CPR will be updated to track those changes.