Memory's Cards + Gifts (2013年白色情人節 DIY 精選禮物)

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新 Blog ~~ Migrate iPhone To Android !! 
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iPhone HK App : Easy Win 贏馬易

這是一個對參與近期香港賽馬的參賽馬匹分析後得出的一點心得, 供給大家參考。希望大家贏多點。

重要聲明: 資料只供參考用途, 如有錯漏而導致閣下蒙受損失, 概不負責。

This is the analysis report of horses which are attending Hong Kong racing and giving out some comments on them. Hope you can win more.

Disclaimer: The information is not guaranteed and for reference only. No liability will be accepted for any loss or damage howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the contents of this application.

iPhone Screenshot 1iPhone Screenshot 2iPhone Screenshot 3iPhone Screenshot 4

Price : FREE

大家可以係 iPhone/iPod Touch 用 QR Magic 嘟一嘟就可以連接去 App Store 直接下載安裝
