使用呢個方法之前係的 iPhone 已經安裝了 OpenSSH,只適合 iOS 4.1 or 4.2.1 or 4.3.1 的 iPhone 4 使用 !!
呢個覆蓋 SpringBoard 的方法原先係為了修復安裝 DreamBoard v1.0.2 後出現白蘋果用的;
但自由人試過係安裝內地某個速成中文輸入法後出現白蘋果,用呢個方法就可以見番 Home Screen !!
注意 :
出現 "白蘋果" 時最好係用 iTunes 回復部 iPhone !!
If you installed previous release of the crack and got your device bricked, here's how to fix the matter without having to restore the device!
Download this zip:
and follow instructions written in the readme.txt file.
In the package you'll find SpringBoard files for all latest firmwares (4.1, 4.2.1 and 4.3.1).
My suggestion is in any case to make a clean DFU restore of your device when possible.
SSH will work even if you're stuck on Apple Boot Logo:
- Open your SSH client
- Turn your device ON
- Wait for the connection to be established
- Choose the "SpringBoard" file to upload basing on your firmware version (4.1 or 4.2.1 or 4.3.1)
- Copy that file to : /System/Library/CoreServices/SpringBoard.app/
- Set permissions for it to 755
- Now entirely remove this folder : /User/Library/Wynd/
Now your SpringBoard should load correctly.
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