Memory's Cards + Gifts (2013年白色情人節 DIY 精選禮物)

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Q?pid - FINGER PUZZLE (手指指情侶 Game)

雖然仲有成個月先到情人節,之但係 iPhone已率先推出啱男女朋友一齊玩嘅遊戲。呢款「Q?pid」由日本開發,重點唔係 Sell 靚畫,而係兩至三人可同時喺一部 iPhone 度玩,投入程度大增!


A brand new type of "Touch Communication" application, the Q?pid (Cupid) series has arrived!

Play Q?pid with that special someone and see where it leads!

Have your eye set on that special someone, but need the perfect icebreaker?
Q?pid is here to save the day! Hooray!
Q?pid will being you closer --AS IF BY MAGIC-- to the one you love. Maybe.

The task is simple!
Each level features a mystery picture. Both players must cooperate in order to un-fuzzify the image and clear the stage. Intertwine your fingers and work closely with your partner to complete a series of titillating photos.

Tired of the same ol', same 'ol?
Q?pid's EDIT MODE let's you use your own photos saved in your iPhone/iPod Touch as background images,
and play your customized soundtrack in the background.
Too shy to express your true feelings? Insert your own custom messages to get your point across!

- Q?Pid is a two-player game. We recommend playing together with someone you like, or someone you want to like! Of course, if you don't actually like anyone, or like just enough people already, thank you, then we suggest gifting this to someone who needs to like more people.
- Each player must place their fingers over their Touch Point Marker and move it along the line to the finishing point.
- The Blue Marker is for the guy, the Red Marker is for the girl. Unless of course it's two girls or two guys, in which case you pick whatever color you please.
- Move the Markers to the finishing point at the same time and hold them there for 3 seconds.
- Once the screen flashes, and the image reveals itself, you've cleared the stage!
- Once each stage is cleared, your Compatibility Diagnosis will be displayed, giving you all the information you need to take it to the next level. Q?pid's got your back!

Price : US$1.99
