如果你居住係愉景灣,或者要入去愉景灣工作,呢個軟件就一定到你 !!
Discovery Bay Timetable 係一個愉景灣對外巴士及渡輪交通時間表,同時有埋街渡既時間表。
軟件最大既特色係會顯示到「剛剛開出」同「將會開出」既巴士渡輪開出時間,同埋會計算埋同現在時間相距仲有幾多分鐘,方便你追車趕船 !!
Discovery Bay Timetable 1.0 is an iPhone application for the Discovery Bay community to track the coming bus, ferry and kaito schedules.
Bus routes included:
DB01R, DB02R, DB03R, Bus 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9
Discovery Bay Timetable 係一個愉景灣對外巴士及渡輪交通時間表,同時有埋街渡既時間表。
軟件最大既特色係會顯示到「剛剛開出」同「將會開出」既巴士渡輪開出時間,同埋會計算埋同現在時間相距仲有幾多分鐘,方便你追車趕船 !!
Discovery Bay Timetable 1.0 is an iPhone application for the Discovery Bay community to track the coming bus, ferry and kaito schedules.
Bus routes included:
DB01R, DB02R, DB03R, Bus 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9