Memory's Cards + Gifts (2013年白色情人節 DIY 精選禮物)

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新 Blog ~~ Migrate iPhone To Android !! 
如果你想由 iPhone 轉去 Android Phone 就一定要睇吓 !!!
如果由 iPhone 轉去 Samsung Android Phone 就更加要睇吓 !!!



Apple Store 2.0 - Apple Store (蘋果直營店 )十週年大改革,iPad 2 展示商品資訊

20011年5月19日,就係 Apple Store (蘋果直營店)開業十週年的紀念日。

Apple 為了慶祝這個大日子,近期進行店舖大翻新,擴充店內的軟硬體設備;重新打造門市架構,網友都統稱呢次 Apple Store 大更新為「Apple Store 2.0」。

Apple Store 2.0 徹底改變我們從前所認識的 Apple Store,店內的產品資訊與店內的 POS 銷貨系統都改用了 iPad 2,顧客可透過 iPad 2 設備來了解更多產品功能及資料。

Apple 更強化店內的電視幕牆與音響設備,令顧客能享受更佳的視聽效果,對 Apple Store 印象更深 !!

An interactive iPad 2 is seen next to an iPod Shuffle in an Apple store in Stockton Street in San Francisco, California on Sunday, May 22, 2011

An interactive iPad 2 is seen next to an iPad 2 device in an Apple store in Stockton Street in San Francisco, California on Sunday, May 22, 2011

Shoppers crowd around a table where Apple products are displayed in an Apple store in Stockton Street in San Francisco, California on Sunday, May 22, 2011

An interactive iPad 2 is seen next to an Apple MacBook Pro in an Apple store in Stockston Street in San Francisco, California on Sunday, May 22, 2011

An interactive iPad 2 is seen next to an Apple MacBook in an Apple store in Stockston Street in San Francisco, California on Sunday, May 22, 2011

An interactive iPad 2 is seen next to an iPhone 4 in an Apple store in Stockston Street in San Francisco, California on Sunday, May 22, 2011
