Memory's Cards + Gifts (2013年白色情人節 DIY 精選禮物)

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新 Blog ~~ Migrate iPhone To Android !! 
如果你想由 iPhone 轉去 Android Phone 就一定要睇吓 !!!
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iPhone App - 無國界醫生 MSF-HK




Medical frontline is in your hand – stay with MSF and our field workers with your iPhone.

With the free MSF Hong Kong app, you can access to the latest field news and videos of MSF, as well as frontline sharing of MSF field workers, wherever you go.

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), or Doctors Without Borders in English, is an international medical humanitarian aid organisation that is also private and not-for-profit. MSF currently works in around 70 countries.

Price : FREE
