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What is referendum? Why some people in Hong Kong talking about "Five Constituencies Referendum" ?
Being a Hong Kong citizen, you should know more about the issue, "Scrap functional constituencies, and demand road map to true democracy", and vote for Hong Kong's future.
唔知「無恥」、「保皇」黨見到呢個 App 又會唔會想盡辦法向 Apple 授訴要佢落架 ?!
網上平台唔到你哋班唔識資訊科技嘅廢柴去阻止 !!
Price : FREE
What is referendum? Why some people in Hong Kong talking about "Five Constituencies Referendum" ?
Being a Hong Kong citizen, you should know more about the issue, "Scrap functional constituencies, and demand road map to true democracy", and vote for Hong Kong's future.
唔知「無恥」、「保皇」黨見到呢個 App 又會唔會想盡辦法向 Apple 授訴要佢落架 ?!
網上平台唔到你哋班唔識資訊科技嘅廢柴去阻止 !!