繼英文虎報出咗 iPad 版本後,今次輪到南華早報出 iPad 揭頁版 !!
排版係幾靚同埋已經就咗 iPad 既 size and resolution,不過我個人就感覺揭頁版既報紙 App 係好難令我睇晒成份報紙;要我左右拉,又要放大縮細,唔怕貨比貨,最怕 App 比 App,一比之下就高低立見 !!
同埋要用好耐時間先可以 Download 晒成份報紙,佢地要加大D bandwidth 先支援到同一時間好多人一齊 Download !!
The South China Morning Post is Hong Kong's premier English language newspaper. First published in 1903, the SCMP has delivered credible, authoritative, influential and independent news and analysis on Hong Kong, China and the rest of Asia for over a century.
Published Monday through Saturday, enjoy the award-winning journalism of the South China Morning Post through the unique functionality and navigation of the iPad. Touch the stories that matter to you and get the latest Hong Kong, China, Asia and Global news and business, plus Life, City and Sport.
