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巨型 iPhone 4 化身桌面電腦

德國工程師巴赫邁爾(Benjamin Bachmeier)製作出巨型iPhone 4桌子「iTableous」,可作為桌面電腦使用。

iTableous長118厘米,闊58.9厘米,尺吋為iPhone 4(11.5厘米乘5.8厘米)的10倍,擁有40吋超大LCD屏幕,桌面可90度扭轉至與地面垂直,方便坐在地上使用。iTableous採用Windows 7及Mac OS X 10.6.7作業系統,配備Zotac Ionitx 2.01Ghz處理器、500GB硬碟及4GB記憶體,可透過無線3G網絡上網,並裝有570萬像素鏡頭供視像會議使用。

其細節設計與iPhone 4同出一轍,由開關按鍵到加速感應器一應俱全,主畫面按鈕是插口收藏處,可連接iPhone等儀器。不過iTableous並非使用輕觸式屏幕,要透過鍵盤和滑鼠操控。

The iTableous has been developed by the German iPhone admirer Benjamin Bachmeier

Bachmeier came up with the idea to make this weirdly huge iPhone 4 tabletop thanks to his love for this phone

Benjamin Bachmeier’s iTableous features a 5.7-megapixel HD camera right where the front-facing camera on a real iPhone 4 would be

The iTableous’ power switch can be seen on the iPhone 4 as the sleep button

The speakers of iTableous are also designed to situated at the lower end of the case, the same spot of speakers on the a real iPhone 4

The iPhone 4 features a LED LCD screen from Toshiba, a 4.1 inch sound system and a DVD player and much more

Benjamin Bachmeier’s product is powered with a 2 GHz Zotac Ionitx with 4GB RAM and 500GB HDD

The giant tabletop iTableous doesn’t support multi-touch or wireless devices such as keyboard or mouse

The iTableous is more like a tabletop computer than an iPhone 4 because it doesn’t have a touchscreen
