Memory's Cards + Gifts (2013年白色情人節 DIY 精選禮物)

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新 Blog ~~ Migrate iPhone To Android !! 
如果你想由 iPhone 轉去 Android Phone 就一定要睇吓 !!!
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Facebook 暫時中止"允許"外部應用程式獲取用戶聯絡資料

上周五 facebook 容許第三方應用程式開發商在用戶允許使用後,可取得用戶的手機號碼、住址等聯絡資料,但新增功能受到了用戶的廣泛質疑。

Over the weekend, we got some useful feedback that we could make people more clearly aware of when they are granting access to this data. We agree, and we are making changes to help ensure you only share this information when you intend to do so.
We’ll be working to launch these updates as soon as possible, and will be temporarily disabling this feature until those changes are ready. We look forward to re-enabling this improved feature in the next few weeks.

今早,Facebook 就公開宣布暫時停止分享用戶聯絡資料,未來幾星期將作出適當修改,令用戶更清楚地意識當第三方應用程式要求授權分享資料內容,以及確保用戶只分享自己的聯絡資料。
當大家下次係 Facebook 見到 "請求許可" 分享資訊時就睇清睇楚分享乜野先好按 "Allow" !!

以下為 Facebook 目前的 "請求許可" 分享基本資訊警告 :

[Source : TechCrunch]
