

Print-Rite Charity x 苗圃行動 - 扶助中國山區貧困學生大行動!!

上 Facebook Click 個 Like 就可以做善事,由今日至2月29日,你只要上去 Print-Rite 個 Fans Page,只要 "讚好" 比個 "Like",每一個 Like,廠方都會捐出 $1 比苗圃行動, 扶助中國山區既貧困學生,舉手之勞就可以幫到人,真係好有意義,快 d 去 "讚好" 比個 "Like" !!

1 Like =$1 捐助至苗圃行動

為慶祝 Print-Rite 成立30週年,由即日起至2012年2月29日,你只要登入並讚好 Print-Rite 既 Facebook Fan Page:http://www.facebook.com/PrintRiteHK 及"參加"此活動,Print-Rite 就會捐出$1到苗圃行動,以扶助中國山區既貧困學生,一個舉手之勞,就可以幫到人,你又點可以唔分享讚好呢??

為善不甘後人既你~即上我地既FANS PAGE行動啦!!!!!!


To celebrate Print-Rite's 30th anniversary, from now till end of February, 2012, Print-Rite and Sowers Action is having a facebook fund raising event aiming to help the students in poor province of PRC.

To support this event, simply login your Facebook and give us a LIKE on our Print-Rite Fans Page (via http://www.facebook.com/PrintRiteHK ).

Print-Rite will donate HK$1 per LIKE to Sowers Action for helping the students.

Your support is meaningful to the students, ACT NOW.

Spread your love and Share the message~!^^

