

Apps@智能手機亞洲博覽2011 Apps@Smartphone Asia Expo 2011


全港甚至亞洲首創以Apps作為主題的大型展覽會 — Apps@智能手機亞洲博覽2011將於2011年6月17 – 19日登陸香港會議展覽中心。資訊科技日新月異,應用亦愈趨廣泛。隨著手機應用程式(Apps)發佈平台的建立,全球多家不同行業、大小的企業均紛紛推出Apps,增加與目標客群互動的機會。多樣性的Apps — 從遊戲、音樂、社交網絡、新聞、旅遊、生活以至商業等等,集娛樂、資訊、工作於一身,使用家的生活變得更便捷、有趣。有見及此,各大流動電話生產商近年均主力推出智能手機以迎合市場需求。

APPS@SMARTPHONE ASIA EXPO 2011 — an innovative large-scale exhibition themed as Apps in Hong Kong even among Asia, will be landed at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre during 17 – 19 June 2011. Information Technology is rapidly changing and being applied widely. As apps platforms have been well-established, different industries and sizes companies in the world have launched Apps to increase opportunity of interacting with their target customers. Various apps categories from games, music, social network, news, travel, lifestyle to business, make users’ live more convenient and more interest. Therefore, most of the mobile phone manufacturers have tended to produce Smartphone in recent years.


日期 : 2011年6月17日 – 2011年6月19日
時間 : 上午11時至下午8時

費用 : $20 (大小同價)
地點 : 香港灣仔博覽道1號 , 香港會議展覽中心展覽廳 3 (Hall 3)

