

Apple 不再強制程式設計員用 in-app subscriptions 內建訂閱功能

蘋果早前限制書報、雜誌和新聞等程式,一定要用in-app subscriptions內建的訂閱功能,否則不能上架。此規則一出,即時引起不少人反對,部份更公開表示不會再放程式上App Store。因為有關計劃讓這些程式設計員或相關公司,要在原本的收入分成外,額外再分30%給蘋果,極為不合理。

最近,Financial Times推出Web app,決定不放新的報紙程式上App Store。這樣他們可以拿到更多收入,符合成本。可能蘋果看似不妙,於是便於日前修改相關程式,取消有關限制。不過,仍然是有些限制的,就是程式設計員不得在程式中加入任何按鈕,或連結至網站讓用家付錢。

11.13 Apps can read or play approved content (magazines, newspapers, books, audio, music, video) that is sold outside of the app, for which Apple will not receive any portion of the revenues, provided that the same content is also offered in the app using IAP at the same price or less than it is offered outside the app. This applies to both purchased content and subscriptions.
11.14 Apps can read or play approved content (specifically magazines, newspapers, books, audio, music, and video) that is subscribed to or purchased outside of the app, as long as there is no button or external link in the app to purchase the approved content. Apple will not receive any portion of the revenues for approved content that is subscribed to or purchased outside of the app

自由人既意見 :

咁就好哪 !! TVB 既 myTV 應該好快就會再次係 iPhone 出現。

因為之前 Apple 呢個 "食人隻車" 既 Policy,夾硬要分人 30% 利潤,我係 Contents Provider 都唔會出 app 益你 Apple !! 

