

中大專業進修學院辦短期課程, 教寫 iPhone 程式

中大專業進修學院秋季 iPhone 課程



Introduction to iPhone Application Development

Course no : 103-179775-02          
Commencement Date : November 17, 2010

Course no : 103-179775-03             
Commencement Date:January 12, 2011

Apple Inc is the pioneer of technology and design. The iPhone changed the world of phone industrial, developer is able to developer their own application. At the same time, Apple will provide channel (i-Tunes) for her millions of users to download your application.

This course starts at providing a basic background in for Apple and its iPhone SDK. It will also introduce the development procedure and the rationale behind the Cocoa.

Hands-on practice will be provided.

Topics include:
1. Introduction of Apple and iPhone
2. Mac OS, iPhone SDK and membership
3. Cocoa architecture
4. IDE procedure and setting
5. Distribution procedure and samples code discussion

Admission Requirements Participants are expected to have adequate knowledge in any Object Oriented programming and strong interests in mobile technologies
Language Used Cantonese (supplemented with English)
Total Hours 15 hour(s)
Session 5
Place Tsimshatsui Oriental Learning Centre
Commencement Date: November 17, 2010
Week Wednesday
Time 6:45p.m.-9:45p.m.
Closing Date for Application Enrolment deadline is 10 calendar days before the course commencement date. Late enrolment will only be considered if there are still vacant places.
Tuition Fee HK$ 1,530.00
Enquiries Telephone No.: 2209 0222
Fax No.: 2603 6565
E-mail: scs-ite@cuhk.edu.hk

iPhone Application Development (intermediate)

Course no : 103-179777-01             
Commencement Date:November 19, 2010

Course no : 103-179777-02            
Commencement Date : January 14, 2011  

This course is designed for experienced programmers to quickly adapt and make use of those iPhone key features and study the corresponding programming code. It is aim to let the student to have hand-on experience for his/her iPhone Application.

Course content
1) Review of iPhone development procedure and setting;
2) Using different tools and the simple application;
3) Programming using Graphics and event handler and menu toolbar and file save;
4) Programming using Image Processing;
5) Programming using G-Sensor;
6) Class Project.

Each participant will be provided with one Mac terminal for hands-on practice. Students are also recommended to apply his/her iPhone developer account and with one iPhone/iPod.

Admission Requirements Participants are expected to have adequate knowledge in C language programming plus Mac experience. Students are recommended to complete 'Introduction to iPhone Application Development' (course code: 179775) before taking this course.
Instructor Mr. YIP Chun Kwan
Language Used Cantonese (supplemented with English)
Total Hours 15 hour(s)
Session 5
Place Tsimshatsui Oriental Learning Centre
Commencement Date: January 14, 2011
Week Friday
Time 6:45p.m.-9:45p.m.
Closing Date for Application Enrolment deadline is 10 calendar days before the course commencement date. Late enrolment will only be considered if there are still vacant places.
Tuition Fee HK$ 2,000.00
Enquiries Telephone No.: 2209 0222
Fax No.: 2603 6565
E-mail: scs-ite@cuhk.edu.hk

