

Dev Team 宣佈在 iOS 4.1 正式發佈前不會推出 iOS 4.0.2/3.2.2 簡易 Jailbreak 方法

iPhone Dev-Team 在網頁宣佈唔會為了iOS 4.0.2 和3.2.2 而推出 JB 方法及軟件,iOS 4.0.2 和3.2.2 無新功只係 fix 番開啟 PDF 檔案的漏洞,因為太早再放出新破解只會令 Apple 係新既 iOS 4.1 beta 中修正漏洞,不想攪到好似同 Apple 玩貓捉老鼠遊戲。

另外如果你仲用緊 iPhone 3G 和 iPod Touch 已經可以係 iOS 4 裡隨時用 redsn0w 來越獄。

iPhone Dev Team 網址 : http://blog.iphone-dev.org/

原文 :
Jailbreakme v2.0 was a great success, and it’s provided a nice leveling point for all jailbreakers and unlockers on all devices at firmware versions less than 4.0.2/3.2.2. We hope that everybody ever interested in jailbreaks or unlocks was able to join in on the jailbreakme bonanza. Those of you who had Cydia capture your SHSH blobs, or those of you who captured them locally, will always be able to benefit from the jailbreakme.com v2.0 release. Congratulations!

Now it’s a few weeks later, and Apple has closed the jailbreakme.com hole. They’re shipping devices with FW 4.0.2/3.2.2, impervious to this particular jailbreak. So now, people will begin to ask: will there be a jailbreak for devices that shipped with 4.0.2/3.2.2, out of the box?

No, there won’t be. FW 4.0.2/3.2.2 was *only* released to fix the jailbreakme hole. With FW 4.1 still in its beta stages, it makes no sense to escalate the “cat & mouse” with Apple for FW updates that only fix the jailbreak holes. To quote WOPR, “the only winning move is not to play”.

If the cat & mouse game escalates too quickly, especially during beta FW periods, nobody but Apple benefits. For this reason, there won’t be a 4.0.2/3.2.2 jailbreak specifically during the period where 4.0.2/3.2.2 is the latest public release. At best, some future 4.1x FW jailbreak *may* be compatible with 4.0.2/3.2.2 (but don’t count on that).

If any of this is confusing, please ask below in our comments section!

P.S.: For those of you with iPhone3G or iPod Touch 2G(not MC version), it’s true you can always use redsn0w to jailbreak your 4.x devices. Don’t let that dilute the above message, though :)

