

將 iPhone 3GS 內部電路板圖片變做 iPhone/iPod Touch 既 Wallpaper

將 iPhone 3GS 內部電路板圖片變做 iPhone/iPod Touch 既 Wallpaper

快速提示如何下載安裝 Wallpaper 您的iPhone :
- 在您的 iPhone 打開本網頁
- 在以下的相片上"長按著 3秒"
- 在出現的菜單上選擇"保存圖像" (Save Image)
- 轉到您的照相機卷相冊 (Camera Roll)
- 選擇圖像,並將其設置為 Wallpaper (壁紙)

Quick tip on how to load the wallpaper on your iPhone:

  • Visit this page on your iPhone.
  • Hold your finger for three seconds on the image you want to save.
  • Select “Save Image” on the menu that appears.
  • Go to your Camera Roll photo album.
  • Choose the image and set it as your wallpaper.

