

iInformation (顯示 iPhone 系統資訊)

iInformation 可以顯示 iPhone 現在運行系統資訊 -- 記憶體使用情況 , 程式既運行狀況 , CPU既負荷(loading) , Disk Space (Free/Used) , iPhone OS Version , WiFi IP Address !!

■ Memory Information
○ The memory is displayed by graphic and percent/byte.
○ Wired, Active, Inactive, free The memory is basic displayed.
  (Wired + Active = Used、Inactive + Free = Free)
○ A physical memory is displayed.

■ Process Information
○ The main, other processes, and the start time are displayed.
○ Display at uptime

■ System Information
○ Display of disk space (Free/Used)
○ WiFi IP Address
○ iPhoneName
○ SystemVersion
○ Identifier(UDID)
○ Average loading of CPU display (for 15 minutes of ten minutes of five minutes)
○ The update is automated the deletion of the reload button.

Price : Free

