

期待已久既 iPod Touch 2代 破解方法

iPhone Dev Team 終於都放出 iPod Touch 2代既破解方法,亦同時放出專用破解程式 unofficialsn0w 2.0 !!

[Source From www.ipodtouchfans.com]
BEFORE you begin, restore your iPod Touch clean to it's factory state.
As with every other tutorial you need the C++ redistributable and LIBusb

1. Download unofficialsn0w 2.0 for Windows from here Download

2. Get the 2.2.1 iPod Touch Firmware HERE

3. Rename the 2.2.1 ipsw to OriginalFW, or OriginalFW.ipsw IF you have file extensions visible, and place it in /IPSW

4. Run IPSW.bat (It will take a while)

a.Right click on the jb.ispw and either open with Winrar or 7.zip

b.Go into Firmware\all_flash\all_flash.n72ap.production\

c. Delete the LLB file.(optional since it will be replaced by the new one)

d. Replace (by dragging) with the LLB file that's in the same folder as the jb.ipsw.

e. Exit, continue to step 6

6. Place your iPod Touch 2G into DFU mode, plug it in and run RUNME.exe

7. Shift + Restore to JB.ipsw in iTunes and your done!!!


IPSW.bat not working? Click Here

RUNME.exe not working? Be sure you have libusb and the c++ redistributable installed

Libusb download: click me
C++ Red. package download: click me

RUNME.exe not working and you have libusb and the c++ redist?

Learn how to get into DFU mode here:
 click me

大家亦可以參考內地網站教學 :
WeApl中文论坛 - itouch2 完美破解(for windows)已经测试成功,重启不用连电脑

